Comentarios inéditos (traducidos al castellano) sobre las obras de Johann Sebastian Bach
grabadas en el Órgano del Sol Mayor de Marbella en los últimos 25 años.

Visitantes a partir de enero 2025

H. L. SMITH, II 1/31/2004 - Concerista de órgano
Tuve el honor y el placer de tocar en el magnífico "El Órgano del Sol Mayor"
en 1987. ¡Realmente amé cada momento! Es verdaderamente un instrumento maravilloso que ha sido colocado en un santuario verdaderamente magnífico
y hermoso. Visitar este sitio web me ha traído muchos recuerdos maravillosos
de mi gira de conciertos en Anadalucía. ¡Saludos desde USA!

Dr. C Schuddeboom 3/8/2004
Qué hermoso sitio has creado y qué magnífica actuación se puede escuchar aquí.
La calidad de las grabaciones es tan buena que podría reproducir algunas de las obras en un gran auditorio prácticamente sin pérdida de calidad. Muchas gracias por la oportunidad que ofreces a un gran público de escuchar estas maravillosas piezas. Kees Schuddeboom/Países Bajos

jan iwanicki 2/21/2004
Simplemente maravillosa pieza musical y ejemplo perfecto de acceso gratuito a grabaciones de calidad que pueden promover no sólo la música de Bach, sino también a los artistas, la industria musical y España. Saludos desde el país de Chopin :)

georg race-music 3/9/2004
su sitio es realmente fantástico - r.e.s.p.e.c.t. !! Saludos a todos los amantes de la música de todo el mundo desde Viena y ¡¡sed creativos!!

WinMX.biz WinMX.biz 3/3/2004
Very Wonderful Music!

Michael Rajewski 2/29/2004
I am lover of all J.S.Bach music from many years. Especially i love organ music , which i preform from time to time. Your web site is very interesting!

floramay aNewFLora 2/27/2004
i'm just kinda curious...i've known j.s bach from my teacher major in music...he said there is a certain study that the music of johann bach enhances the minds of young children...how true is this???

Octave Duponnet 2/22/2004
Merci! Vraiment merci! Je découvre votre site avec un immense plaisir. La musique exceptionnelle de Jean Sébastien jouée sur l'orgue de Marbella par de jeunes artistes est une véritable délectation. Merci encore.

Renato Saccaro 2/22/2004
I'm a brazilian and I want thank the opportunity to appreciate this site that honor the memory of J.S.Bach.

Ramon A. Sernuda Taller de Organeria Sernuda J. 2/18/2004
Excelente sitio, realmente se nota que allá en España se dedican con responsabilidad a los organos y la organeria . Felicitaciones a todos.

yue zhang 2/17/2004
Danke für die Webseite! Bach, das ist die Töne aus Himmel.

Jean-Loup Robert 2/16/2004
Merci pour la grande qualité de votre site et surtout pour la grande générosité que démontrez en distribuant d'aussi belles prestations artistiques, c'est vraiment le meilleur esprit d'internet. Félicitation à tous les artistes et longue vie à votre site.

Ramón J. Urdaneta G. 2/15/2004
Agradecido a uds. por tan ilustre aporte al resguardo de la trascendencia de obra de J. S. Bach. Como profesor de Contrapunto y Fuga del Conservatorio de Musica José Luis Paz de Maracaibo-Venezuela quedo a sus órdenes. Ramón J. Urdaneta. Venezuela.

Santos Pedrazuela C. 2/10/2004
Enhorabuena a Pilar y a su marido Michael por tan afortunada idea,por preocuparse de difundir la música de de Este genial compositor a través de la red.

Enrique 2/8/2004
Hola tengo 13 años, soy un viciao de la musica de Bach en concreto la del organo no se quien leera esto pero si lo leen los de la pagina web ¿podrías poner alguna version de alguna obra como tocata y fuga en Dm BWV 565. Si lo haceis gracias. Una cosa que molaría es que pusierais un albun de fotos de organos en especial fotos tomadas desde el coro o de teclados con el pedalero bueno a seguir escuchando musica decente y como no de organo uno de los mejores sonidos que he escuchado.

claudio sanchez 2/3/2004
me gusto mucho el sitio, no sabia q podia encontrar la musica de bach en forma tan facil y de tan buna calidad, gracias, necesitaba la tocata y fuga en D menor

leonhardt 1/31/2004
Merveilleux magnifique encore !!!! Bien amicalement

Bonnie Joseph 1/23/2004
Thankyou for the very excellent Organ music. As you have rightly said, it is like listeing to the voice of God. Your music brings me back very nostalgic memories of my visits to the great cathedrals of Germany. Please notify me of any new releases.

Christian Liu 1/23/2004
I am a Chinese. Although I am not a musician, yet I really enjoy organ music. Organ music is of great majesty! It is full of holiness, mystery, even magic charm! I hope your site will become more and more successful. And serve the people who are fond of organ music and who are from all over the world. (Because I am a Chinese, there may be some errors in my English expression.)

dariel perez 1/23/2004

aerith 1/19/2004
l'un des plus grands site de qualité que j'ai pu visité sur le net sur js bach se trouve bien ici avec des musiques d'une qualité superbe... meme si je n'ai toujours pas trouvé l'air du morceau que je cherchais, j'en ai trouvé d'autres que j'aime egalement... vivement la suite et bonne continuation

Natalie Just Oz 1/18/2004
Extremely interesting and informative site!

me gustaria que me manden unos folletos de juan sebastiann bach para mi ayuda i asi poder estudiar sobre el padre dela armonia

Lars Dittrich 1/13/2004
Eine traumhafte Seite, gewidmet einem der größten Komponisten aller Zeiten. Die Interpretationen sind technisch äußerst sauber und dennoch voller Einfühlunsvermögen in die barocke Orgelmusik. Vielen, vielen Dank! Lars Dittrich, Eisenach, Germany

Gerhard Lindemann portal heilen 1/12/2004
Much Thanks for this wonderful music. It opens my heart to hear bachs organworks in such an origine character.Yout organists really play with devotion ansd not just technichal fine. Bravo

David M. Fenske D/F Electronics Midi Collectio 1/10/2004
I really enjoy your site. I have visited many times. Great music, great pictures, great audio quality. I see you have a link for Alessandro Simonettos site Kunstderfuge. He has several midi files which I created on his site (for whatever that may be worth). Keep up the great work. DF

Richard Land 1/5/2004
Thanks for the opportunity to download some of the artists playing at Marbella. I visit Spain once each year but have not had the opportunity to be in Spain when concerts were scheduled. I expect to be in Spain next during May or June 2004 and hope to be able to visit Marbella and to hear the El Organo Del Sol Mayor in person. Thanks a lot for a great listening experience. Richard Land/Columbus, Indiana USA

Claudio 1/2/2004
excelente página para la divulgación musical de este maestro. No sé si se podrá pero, sería algo posible el que coloquen algo de música de Clavecín? ,se los agradecería una enormidad pues también es uno de mis instrumentos favoritos. se despide muy agradecido este chileno que vive muy cerca del fin del mundo acá en chile, chao Claudio

David Gamaliel 1/2/2004
Muchísimas gracias por poner en disponibilida tanta belleza, busqué la música de Bach por concejos de un libro titulado Cosmología Pleyadiana de Barbara Hand Clow y ahora comprendo. Infinitas Gracias... P.d. estoy interesado en que me contacten para avisarme sobre las actualizaciones.

Jorge G. Montesinos 12/28/2003
Magnifico sitio, un lugar de lujo para conocer más sobre el rey de los instrumentos musicales: el órgano. Felicitaciones a Pilar Cabrera y los mejores deseos de éxito en su carrera de intérprete y directora artística.

Bent Jensen 12/28/2003
It is such a joy to listen to the music on this site. I grew up in the town where Marcussen and Søn is located, and really appreciate the quality of the organs and the recordings on this site. Please give us more.

George Nathaniel Translance.com 12/27/2003
Tatsächlich eine hervorragende Website für alle Liebhaber der klassischen Musik. Und herzlichen Dank für die wunderschöne Auswahl der Orgelwerke von JSB, die hier angeboten werden.

Gustavo Antúnez 12/26/2003
Estimados amigos: Han hecho un trabajo NOTABLE. Realmente hace falta mucho más como lo que uds. ofrecen.

Pawe Jakubczyk 12/22/2003
It's wonderfull web site. I love it and way of playing passacaglia c-moll. In polish: Znakomicie, tylko szkoda ze wydzieliliscie z passacaglii fuge. To niewybaczalne!

Salvatore Mancuso 12/22/2003
I really enjoy your web site. The organ is beautiful.

Neftalí Alexis el nef 12/22/2003
Peazo página que hicisteis.Saludos desde Tenerife

John [Australia] 12/17/2003
I will be in South france in March 2004. Do you have any concerts in that month. Regards John.

Milton Bins ProfBins 12/16/2003
Excelente trabajo! Acepten las sinceras congratulaciones de un brasileño [por la madre, nieto de españoles] amante de la música de J.S.Bach!

Kim 12/9/2003
ich finde diese seite total hammer macht weiter so, bye

lazarus 12/8/2003
organ music goes straight to the heart

pieter blijleven 12/4/2003
ik ben op zoek naar nederlanse mensen,die me sites kunnen aangeven van orgelmuziek van bach,alvast bedankt

María de la Luz Herr 11/27/2003

Roger Harvey 11/24/2003
Votre site est une merveille, je peu dire que c'est le plus intéressant qu'il m'est donné de visiter.

Georges Philippe 11/23/2003
alors, je peux dire 1 chose: je suis vraiment TRES impressionné! bravo! continuez comme ça!

Elvira Muñoz 11/21/2003
Muchas gracias por su esfuerzo. Ahora más que nunca es un placer poder relacionar Marbella y Málaga con temas de valor para la humanidad como el arte y la música. Saludos: Elvira Muñoz P.D. ;-)Hay una pequeña errata en el texto en español. "es mantenino" en lugar de "es mantenido"

Emmanuel Riggins 11/20/2003
I think you have a great selecting of fine music and I will be telling friends of you. Thanks. Mani

vicente Santana 11/8/2003
A me me gusta mucho la musoca para organo me gusta mucho la toccata e fuga in D minor e Toccata,adagio e fuga in C minor, y yo estoy muy contente porque yo pudo encontrar esta musicas.

Gabriel Ruiz-Bernal 11/8/2003
Hola Michael, Enhorabuena por la página web. Soy organista en Berwyn Presbyterian Church, College Park, Maryland, EEUU, suburbio de Washington , D.C. Tuve el placer de conocerte hará unos veinte años, y tuve el placer entonces de visitar el Organo del Sol Mayor, junto a Javier Villero. He intentado de muchas formas volver a ponerme en contacto con mi viejo amigo Javier Villero pero le perdí la pista hace muchos años. ¿Podrías por favor enviarme su dirección de e-mail? Mañana Domingo

damien 11/6/2003

Laurie Burns 11/4/2003
I was enthralled with the Tocatta and Fugue in dminor. I felt transported. I will be playing this again for my elementary music students to introduce them to not only Bach, but to the cool sound of the pipe organ. I hope they'll like it, but I'm 100% sure they'll be delighted. Thanks.

John 10/28/2003
Heavenly music, played by devine musicians. John [Australia]

jacky C 10/27/2003
j'adore j.s bach , et ce sont de très belles interprétations . ecore merci pour ce bon moment .

Philip Collins 10/18/2003
You have constructed a world-class site for the lover of organ masterpieces and keyboard virtuosity. If I only listen and allow my musical imagination to wander a very little, it is as if Sebastian Bach were at the keyboards and pedals. I cannot thank you enough for this beautiful site. Philip Collins, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Jose Cornejo Nuñez 10/15/2003
Me he interesado en la música de Johann Sebastian Bach a través del gran bajista Cliff Burton Metallica) que es mi ídolo musical, ya que para el su ídolo era Johann Sebastian Bach, es por esto que les gradecería que me tuvieran informado de las disponibilidad de las obras completas en mp3, gracias.

PIOTR klub ufologiczny wiosf 10/11/2003
Bardzo fajna strona a ile mp3 gdzieœ tyle ich zgromadzi³ ? wiele fajnych fotek szczególnie mi siê podoba³ ten prospekt u góry strony bardzo ³adnie ³adne t³o oby tak dalej. Very good homepage /website/ how meny mp3 files very fine foto . very good Very beutiful background.

Emilio 9/28/2003
Los felicito por el sitio, las grabaciones son realmente fantàsticas, esta web era algo que yo habia estado buscando desde hacia mucho tiempo y realmente me siento satisfecho de haberla encontrado, ¿podrìan poner algunas fotos de los òrganos de la catedral de Mèxico, Morelia o Puebla o bien algun fragmento de los conciertos que en estas ciudades se organizan? Gracias y felicidades

Michel Dubois Michel Dubois 9/24/2003
I went once in Marbella and never tought of a so rich organ sound. Thanks for all those involved. The sound is outstanding and inspiring.

Karoly Varga 9/19/2003
Outstanding page, outstanding organists and outstanding music. Do not lose your enthusiasm about JSB! "Soli Deo Gratia"

paulo tasso teixeira paulottm@globo.com.br 9/15/2003
Incrível. Indescritivel em palavras. Prefiro mesmo ficar em silêncio. Vocês com este site deixam qualquer um maluco. Obrigado. Obrigado. Origado.

david 8/28/2003
please send me a downloadable copy of your music

Gary 8/22/2003
Please e-mail the album numbers for your CDs. I am intersted in several of the J.S.Bach recordings. Thank you

Respected Sir, Please do email me when you are putting new organ music of j.s Bach at your website(Preludes, fantasies or choral paritatas) Yours Faithfully, D.Edwin David Raj

David 8/13/2003
Thank you for providing FREE samples of this great master. One cannot doubt the existence of God while being totally transported to another world as he listens to this beautiful enchanting music. As an organist/musician, the music of Bach has, since age 4, and will always be, the driving force behind my devotion. Thank you!

Rafael Ibarra 8/12/2003
Los felicito y les agradezco por la oportunidad de acceder a esta hermosa música desde Internet. Necesitaba pensar, y que mejor que la musica del maestro Bach para hacerlo!!! Saludos desde Monterrey, Mexico

j'aprecie j-s Bach

Peters 8/5/2003
merci pour votre belle musique. j'en écoute tous les jours.

fdfsf ww.hueones.com 7/28/2003

Leo La Placa 7/27/2003
Bach's great music is transporting me to another, better place. Thank you for feeling the need to make it available for the listening of a broader audience. Wish I was better informed when I visited your town, I would have loved visiting and who knows, be lucky enough to listen your organ. One more reason to come back.

LONI 7/23/2003
were se mochklich von j.s.bach --luft-- zu horen ins gezamt ist eure web ser gut

Eric Lucas 7/16/2003
I would like very much to be told when and where organ music can be downloaded thanks

Tepe 7/5/2003
Sehr gute Seite!

Beatriz 6/30/2003
I want to be told when more organ music is available to download. Thanks

Anis Dajani 6/30/2003
You have the soul of a saint that saw the music of God. Sie haben die Seele von einem Sankt die hat die Musik von Gott gesehen.

Derwin Landis 6/28/2003
Dear Sirs. What a lovely site you have. J. S. Bach was certainly inspired by God to write such noble music. I deeply appreciate what you have done here, to make this music available for us to enjoy. Thank you so much. Derwin Landis

Carmen Karm 6/26/2003
Hola, tengo 12 años soy violoncellista y me encanta la suite nº1 de Bach, porque ya he tocado parte de esta suite

Andrea 6/22/2003
Me interesa saber sobre las obras en MP3, gracias. Andrea

Sonia Connor Connor Family 6/9/2003
Neat site, and hello from Milford, CT


Cristian (Chile) 5/27/2003
Para mi como latino tercermunista es muy importante acceder al patrimonio cultural de Bach, y disfrutarlo de esta manera dinamica,y tecnologica, pues de otra manera seria dificil por la falta de money... Felicitaciones.

thomas smith 5/26/2003
GREEN PARTY TUBA players are in the groove with my man BACH!!

Ger 5/24/2003
Wonderfull this music. I love this verry much. greeting from Holland

Rubiel Navarro Ch. 5/13/2003
Deseo tener acceso a las obras completas de Bach en PM#.

tina okun 5/13/2003
Ilove bach's music please let me know when I can download. I'd love to hear from you. Thanks, Tina Okun

phil organ house jamaica 5/8/2003
Hola! yo amor tu organo musica pilar cabrera.when are you visiting jamaica? hi from jamaica

juan rodriguez 5/3/2003
yo soy hermano de un organista que esta en italia y yo ahora estoy practicando en el organo de maria auxiliadora, me encanta este tipos de musicas barrocas, quien quiera contactarse con migo escribanme ya saben mi correo

Mario 5/1/2003
siete stupendi. Grazie dall'Italia

Richard Brasier 4/30/2003
Me being a fully qualified piano and organ teacher, I think that all the pieces recorded are of a very high standard. I am a great enthusiast of Bachs work and I commend him for the pieces he has produced

Dr. Ralph Heimburger 4/28/2003
The recordings of Bach here are by far some of the best available.

jorge alberto jorgegomez16@terra.com.mx 4/25/2003
Que se puede decir y calificar de la hermosisima musica que escribio el maestro bach, espero que sigan poniendolas en la red para poder admirarlas mas. gracias

Lubbert Schenk SoftART Design orgels organs o 4/18/2003
You have a lot a wonderful mp3 on Your website they are very good. By the way You have a good interessting website about organs

Gilles Quatuor SAXAQUATRE 4/6/2003
Bravo pour ton site, mes plus grandes félicitations pour ce contenu haut en couleur et riches! Tous mes voeux de poursuites pour ce grand homme JCB

Roger Conner Jr 4/1/2003
This is the type of thing the internet was built for! I found your site while listening to an Andrew Manze transcription of Bach organ to violin, decided to do a search, and was blessed with your site, which I will visit often and show to friends. I will not even go into my admiration of Bach's music, (how much more can be said?) except to say that I have always had a fondness for German automobiles, and for all the same reasons....the perfect balance of passion and reason. With Bach, it is h

Jacek 3/30/2003
Music has been always with people and we can not say it is not true. Also, music is something which each person understands. To communicate we have to know languages whereas listening to music does not need it. It is the fact music is "over" us, we can show our emotions, state of our spirit and make world looks better. All of us should tell people how beautiful music is especially Bach's one. While listening to it we can forget about the day life, we can cry like a baby, clean our mind, and no m

Sharon Sharon Adele's World 3/29/2003
Sending love and best wishes your way! God bless you! ----- www.theearlydays.com ----- www.pedalsteel.us

Michael Roeper 3/28/2003
Wunderschöne Web-Site mit wundervoller Musik. Vielen Dank Liebe Grüsse aus Hamburg / Germany

Christian W. Müller 3/20/2003
I love This Grat Music

Esta página es fantástica! Lástima no encontrar páginas similares de Mozart, Vivaldi, Falla, etc. Enhorabuena!

Nigel Utting Utting Family 3/12/2003
Me gusta mucho la musica de JSB. Gracias por su trabajo y esta pagina.

Bessiezhuo 3/3/2003
I'm from shanghai,China.Hello,Bazh organ lovers! More thanks to the one who make it possible for us to download the great hits in mp3!

gory 3/3/2003
A ma connaissance : le meilleur site consacré à l'orgue.Passion et beauté se conjuguent. bravo!!!

Jim Michael Green Valley Camera Club 3/2/2003
Thank you from Arizona, USA, for such gorgeous offerings in MP3! A truly scrumptious plate of Bachian delights. I especially like the passiontide chorales. Gracias por su trabajo. Jim

Jean-Gabriel Gillard Association ROSJ 2/24/2003
Bravo pour votre site, les photos sont splendides et le son est d'une très bonne qualité. Continuez !

joseph goode 2/16/2003
it would be a pleasure to updated on new downloads

Aki Anttila 2/15/2003
Thank you this site! Thank you the great playing! One Player, but more than an orchestra! I like old organ-works - much more than any other music. I have been interested in classical music since I was about 20 years old (25 years ago). At my living area there is organ-sunday-evenings every other Sunday in the summer. The concert is beginning at 21:00 in the local, wood-made, in finnish timeline old church. That is the time when you normally do not have much to do, only to wait the time to g

Hilda Armacanqui Keeper of the Seven Keys 2/14/2003
¡Muchas gracias por haber puesto esta página! Ahora yo también puedo deleitarme con esta música maravillosa tocada de una forma espectacular en uno de mis instrumentos musicales favoritos. Felicidades a Pilar Cabrera. Gracias. :)

Abel Terrazas 2/11/2003

Arturo Bascary 2/9/2003
Simplemente felicitarlos por el maravilloso trabajo que realizan en este sitio. Es verdaderamente un placer. Muchas gracias. Arturo de Argentina.

René Gastelumendi D. 2/9/2003
¡Que hermosura de "sitio"! Los regalos musicales son de lo mejor. El amor del Señor Reckling y el arte del maestro Blancafort estan presentes en esta magnífica obra visual y auditiva. Pilar Cabrera es una belleza para escuchar y para ver.

Martin Erik 2/7/2003
Oh! Grossartig, die Bilder, die Downloads!

Dietmar 1/29/2003
Super Downloads ! Danke !!!!

Erlis 1/27/2003
Pretty sad that you use mp3PRO format only because I did not use Windows-family operating systems and can't listen mp3s with high quality.

JOSE 1/19/2003

Sankar Mohan 1/16/2003
I would like to be informed of new availabilities. I very much enjoyed the music.

Alain CARRE 1/14/2003
Enfin un véritable site de musique civilisée! Bravo, mille fois bravo et merci. Bonne Année 2003. Continuez et puissiez vous servir d'exemple!!!!!!!

Clara Santa Clara 1/13/2003
Wow~! Hi~ I'm Clara from republic of korea. It's so good, excellent site. happy new year~ and have a nice day.

Andrea Sommani 1/6/2003
Great music, congratulation.

Bozec 1/6/2003

Marvin Agosto 12/30/2002
I must humbly thank you for making such extraordinary and unforgettable pieces of Bach available to the public. I have not the words to describe how Bach music lifts my spirit, perhaps, if there were poets as good as Bach i would be able to use their words to describe how i feel when i listen to Bach. Thank you!

Ann Cheney 12/30/2002

Tor 12/28/2002
I am from Norway, and i love toccata and Fuge in D minor

Henk Vromink 12/25/2002
Check out this site: http://www.aarnouddegroen.com. Some MP3's of Bach organ music are available there too! Congratz on your wonderful site; keep up the good work.

poumarat laurent 12/22/2002
quel orgue fantastique! et la passacaille est superbe!!

oliver 12/20/2002
Danke !

Hugo Garcia Cardone 12/14/2002
Encontre este sitio, de pura casualidad,con el Google. Quiero felicitarlos y darles las gracias por tener abierto este "templo" en homenaje a tan grandioso musico y lutier. Hugo César García Cardone Belgrano 1122 - Ramos Mejía Buenos Aires Argentina C.P. 1704 P.S. La mitad de mi familia vive en Madrid y La Coruña.

Wayne Fletcher 12/13/2002
I am a long time classical listener, in the USA. 30 some years ago I heard a Bach piece in high school (scales) that blew me away. Loved the piece. Then I heard it again recently on a movie called 'A Prayer for Dying'; about an Irish Terrorist that had a priest see him kill someone and he then confessed to the priest, so that the priest could not report him. Of course there is love involved and while the terrorist was in the church with the women he was falling in love with; he played that B

Nelson Soto 12/12/2002
Soy aficionado a la música del Organo y actualmente estudio para aprender a Leer música y tocar este instrumento. Busco en la web algo que pueda ayudarme al respecto. Gracias.

Alejandro Butnaru 12/10/2002
i´m from Colombia, i`m studing civil engineering and i´m 23 years old. It`s a very great sorprice to find this page, l´m a lover of Bach`s music and his organ compositions are the most wonderfull for the fellings in this world. thank`s.

Duro "Cherubin" Cherubins Home 12/10/2002
What a nice Site! I like to be there! many greetings to you in spain and all the the other Bach "Fans" all over the world... cya

Walter Lutz 11/28/2002
Never did I see (and hear) a site with organ music in this very good compilation. The artists are highgraded, and the selection of organworks can someone provoke to listen much more to organ music. The only advantage are the artefacts because of the mp3-format. But nevertheless the recordings speak for themselves. Thank You!

Joni Lahti 11/27/2002
Fine! Thank You from Finland

José 11/20/2002

Robert G Wynne 11/19/2002
How lucky I was to find your site- A dream come though. Such clarity- and so wonderfully played. A new chapter has opened for me. Many thanks

Bernie Les Fous Du Labo4 11/16/2002
Enfin aure chose que la starAc', du bon dégraissage d'oreille. De la musique, pas du bruit commercial... Que cela fait du bien par où ça passe. Bref ! Que dire d'autre que Félicitations ! Bernie

italo 11/16/2002

LEONHARDT Denis 11/12/2002
Merveilleux site avec des extraits sonores de grande qualité. Continuez ! Bravo et merci DL

Mary Ann Simma 11/10/2002
Your music is wonderful. I enjoy it so very much. Thank you.

Joseph Boyle 11/7/2002
A Superlative Site. I begin to think that I waste my time attending organ recitals, when I can hear the best of them without leaving my home.

sue suzieq 11/2/2002
Great Site I Really Enjoyed My Stay Here

Charlotte 10/25/2002
What a great site it gave me a bunch of information! on bach for my paper in school I am american so i speak english cool huh? well not really since no one really cares that I am an american!! well thank you!!

Giovanni Beretta 10/22/2002
Félicitations pour la réussite technique de ces mp3 et surtout mille remerciements pour le cadeau de ce somptueux récital de Brussel de Pilar dont je viens d'écouter des extraits. Encore bravo de la part d'un grand ami (Trapletti en est un autre) de Livio Vanoni.

Aubert PIRLOT 10/21/2002
Les orgues de Sol Mayor sont fantastiques. Merci d'avoir mis en ligne ces somptueuses créations de Bach interpretées par des musiciens aussi talentueux, c'est un régal.

Julian Cardew 10/20/2002

cristiano trapletti 10/16/2002
wow, i'm realizing i've lost time in surfing stupid websites, THIS IS WHAT I WANT! cristiano

sigit joko suryono - 10/14/2002
I'm a J.S.Bach big fans

Dr Chris Stanley 10/13/2002
Well, what a pleasure it was to work yesterday (Sunday)afternoon in my laboratory in South Kensington with Bach playing from your wonderful website!!! Thank you so much for putting this resource on the web. There should be more such sites. It would be great to have BWV 546 Prelude and Fugue in C minor on the web sometime but I could only find weak midi versions. I guess my love of the organ stems from my time as a chorister in the cathedral church of St Mary the Virgin at Southwell, Nottinghamsh

Sant Tran 10/11/2002
Long time Bach church musics lover.

Mark L. Pearson 10/11/2002

Keila 10/10/2002
I would like to know more about the choral "Ach wie flüchtig". By the way this web site is great!!!! "Saludos" from Puerto Rico.

Krystyl Kane Grand Tour 10/8/2002
Neat site! I've been listening to Bach's works since I was born. Mainly because my Dad kept playing these old records. He doesn't anymore, but I do! Heh heh... I think my favorite would be the Fuge in Toccata and Fuge in D Minor, because of its intricticy. I love how there's so many different parts that just come together in this awesome sound. Also, I think it's because I'm in an ochestra. In fact I played one of his peices, the Brandon Burg Concerto, No. 3. But I lost the music. *Cries* Anyway

Kenneth Wils 10/5/2002
Wunderful music! I found your website by accident, but was really impressed by it. Thank you for letting us enjoy your lovely play.

Gilberto C Guarino 10/3/2002
Impossível não retornar e retornar, ainda uma vez a Bach. É da natureza humana buscar a autêntica realização do milagre, e Bach é o milagre. Nele, a sensação de Deus não o é a do distante; antes, é a da Vida, da Felicidade Essencial, superadora de toda aparência, a plena certeza de Deus em Nós. Belíssimo trabalho. Efusivas congratulações.

Christian Schmidt Molecular Cancer 9/29/2002
What a nice page! Great job! Christian

Juan Alberto 9/27/2002
Es una Excelente página. Felicitaciones para todos, en especial para Pilar Cabrera.

John 9/27/2002
Pilar Cabrera is a suberb musician, I am haunted by the con moto renditions of Toccata and Fugue in d minor. More please of this amazing talent! York, United Kingdom

George O'Connor 9/23/2002
Very nice, I really enjoyed it.

Mark R. Künzi 9/23/2002
Nie hätte ich geglaubt, im Web eine Site, welche fast ausschliesslich der Orgelmusik meines hochverehrten Joh. Seb. Bach gewidmet ist, zu finden. Selber bin ich nur "passiver" Musiker, d.h. ich spiele selber kein Instrument. Umso mehr Zeit verbringe ich im meditativen Anhören und verinnerlichen dieser über Raum und Zeit stehenden Klänge. Für den grossen Bach-Kenner Albert Schweizter ist Bach ein Mystiker. Und, so A.S. zu Mystik: "Mystik liegt überall da vor, wo ein Menschenwesen die Trennung zwi

Ralphe Gagnon 9/21/2002
Tres Bien Merci Beaucoup

Devraj Sanyal 9/20/2002
Its a great site

Pablo Giovine 9/17/2002
¡Excelente! Realmente es una muy buena selección de música de Bach (quedé encantado con la versión de la "Sinfonia" de la cantata n° 29) Mi más sinceras felicitaciones a todos los que participaron en la creación de este sitio. Cordiales saludos desde Buenos Aires, Argentina.

william sinclair bill 9/16/2002
Thanks to all and your sponsers,for this most impressive page. BILL SINCLAIR.

Fernando Castillo El Infinito 9/15/2002
Hola! felicitaciones por su página. lo mejor es que tienen música directamente para bajar! aunque busco información sobre las pasiones quedé enredado en las fugas y cantatas... Felicitaciones por su sitio... y sigan adelante!!!

R. W. Gautreau 9/15/2002

Nils-Erik Larsson Garwik 9/14/2002
Thank you for this web site. I keep coming back to it over and over to enjoy the music.

Carlos Ramirez 9/12/2002
Extarordinario el poder contar con esta música en la Web. Felicitaciones por el trabajo y muy agradecido

Ann Cheney 9/7/2002

Ken Gilliard 9/6/2002
As a Church Organist in Southern California, I must say a hearty Thank You for sharing your most magnificant instrument sounding the inspirations of the Great Master.

Ciobanu Ciprian 8/29/2002
Thank You!

Steven Clarke 8/27/2002
Wondeful Site. Amazing music! Thank-you

hamza abderrahim boub 8/25/2002
je veabn

Kit Schmitt 8/25/2002
Thanks for the offer to let me know when new organ music is available. Is it OK if I send my brother's address in the future?

Mark Harries 8/24/2002
This is awesome! I don't even remember how I found this page, but I'm glad I came across it.

andy 8/24/2002
muy bueno pagina. un saludo

Efe Vallejo 8/24/2002
Deliciosamente sorprendido con la calidad de las grabaciones de las obras de Bach. Los felicito. Deseo obtener información sobre más posibilidades de MP3.Les auguro muchos triunfos en el campo artístico. Gracias. Efe Vallejo. Bogotá Col.

Lazaridis Manthos 8/23/2002
It's realy a pitty that such fine, presice and fluent prefomancies have low sound fidelity. The preformance of BWV 578 fuge in g minor is the best I' ever heard (and I've heard lot's of them...). But it's recorded in 22100 Hz bitrate! That means that only ferequencies up to 9 KHz (if take mp3 encoding) will be saved. My ear can hear a frequency up to 15,5 KHz. That spectral gap makes sound poor. Anyway, the quality of music gives me what quality of sound can't. If there are any HiFi recordings,

Stefan Wolff 8/21/2002

Risto Vaarala 8/20/2002
Thank you for this music! This is something unbelieveable.....I found one time again some priceless pearls I haven't heard earlier. something Iwould like to play myself and enjoy this musik. To let music use my body to come out with joy and peace... I love Bach....(sorry my poor English...) Kiitos tästä musiikista! Tämä on jotain aivan ihanaa.. Jälleen kerran löysin helmiä, joiden arvoa ei voi rahassa mitata. Tekee mieli soittaa itsekin, antaa oma kehoni musiikin käyttöön, niin että se saa

ROMMELAERE 8/18/2002
merci pour ce site merveilleux et qui m'a plongé dans un univers exceptionnel!! si je pouvais acheter toutes ces oeuvres, je les ecouterais avec un immense plaisir! merci à vous et bon courage

pul 8/16/2002
Me encantaría estar informado. I'd like to receive all information about it. thanks that's a good idea

Ezequiel Diaz 8/11/2002
Gracias por tener esta pagina en internet, para los amantes de esta musica es magnifica.

Russ Paulsrude 8/10/2002
Please inform me of new organ music you make available. Thank you

SUYEN 8/9/2002
nececito su ayuda de como hacer para bajar máusica

Keith Clark 8/9/2002
Thanks for the service.

Wolfgang Schuetze 8/8/2002
Es hat mich fast vom Stuhl gefegt. Die besten Orgelklänge und die besten Bachinterpretationen die ich je hörte. Wunderbar!!! Ich hätte allergrößtes Interesse an CD's, um die (wenn auch nur geringen) Beeinträchtigungen durch die MP3-Komprimierung wegzubekommen.

Andreas Oberländer 8/6/2002
i´m very glad to see a n d hear your nice organ, i think i feel a little bit jealous... hope to visit your church sometime, greetinx from germany!

jose luis mariño 8/6/2002
I enjoy too much the bach's music and I'd like to know more about the bach's life and his compositions

Jose Castroman 8/6/2002
Desde el Uruguay os mando una muy grande felicitacion y deseo que sigan por el mismo camino jose castroman

Chelo 8/6/2002
Dear Sir, I would like to find the Minuet Suite in E by Bach in a MP3 file. do you know where can I find it? Thanks in advance and best regards, Chelo Malagón

john denny 8/2/2002
Thank you for letting me hear the voice of GOD

Maurissone Ferreira 8/2/2002
It is a wondeful treasure. Bach's music is great. E muito bonito! Maurissone - Brasil - Minas Gerais - UFMG

Buster Stevens 7/30/2002
What a rich treasure is available to all on internet!

chalezky 7/27/2002
tres belle musi de back

Miroslav 7/19/2002
Thank you very much for your reply. There is an idea: it is very rare opportunity to hear Bach's composition (approximately) called 'Pastorale', which in fact is a suit often performed in organ. Miroslav

Neil Gilbert 7/19/2002
This website is a fabulous enterprise - the music of the master composer played by a set of superb musicians - and what an instrument! Thank you. (I'm still breathing, Annabel... just).

Pierre Lessard 7/17/2002
Merci pour cet excellent site qui a de quoi ravir les amateurs d'orgue.

Daniel Lessard 7/16/2002
Excellente musique. Continuez cette oeuvre. J'apprécie énormément.Merci!

Annabel Schweinsberg 7/15/2002
Impressive! Remember to breath, Neil!!!

Miroslav 7/14/2002
I'm from Yug., recently got the PC, and of course, first searched for Bach on the Web ! What I feel about his music will be clear when I say that I like no other style, composer, etc but Bach. It's been so for recent 25-30 years of my life (I'm 42 now). That is the only thing that hasn't change in my life. Thank you, Miroslav, Nis, Yugoslavia

Corinne 7/14/2002
Bonjour, Votre site m'a beaucoup plu. Bonne continuation Cordialement Corinne

Jamie Chung 7/12/2002

Ludger Beyerle 7/10/2002
Wunderschöne Orgelaufnahmen ! Vielleicht könnten Sie noch einige dazutun ! Das Instrument verlangt geradezu danach. Schöne Grüsse L. Beyerle, Mülheim/Ruhr - Deutschland

Peter Reiner 7/10/2002
Als Mitglied von GdO, finde ich es ausgezeichnet,daß man gute Orgelmusik bekommen kann.

Tomasz 7/8/2002
Very very nice page. Thnx

Dr. W. Hegenbart 7/6/2002
Thank you for the superb Bach interpretations. For music enthusiasts one of the best sites in the web.

Francisco Carvallo 7/3/2002
Thank you for presenting these beatiful organ works from mankind's greatest musician! Keep up your wonderful site. Que Dios les bendiga por sus magnifica obra de presentar la musica de el musico mas maravilloso que ha producido la humanidad! Por favor mantengan sus magnificas labores con este web site.

Drew 6/30/2002
thank you, it is wonderful to be able to hear recent versions of some of my favorite Bach works. Ms Pilar is amazing! Drew

Elio Fioravanti 6/30/2002
Thank you for your service and for keeping so many people united under one and the same fulness of life in the enjoyment of eternal music.

Markus Roschinski 6/28/2002
I think your site is the best site in the net, my gratulations. And a suggestion: Why do you not also host mp3 music from orther composers?

sol de libertad sol de libertad 6/27/2002
soy fiel admiradora de esta clase de musica. sol de libertad de james

Johny Randa- Czechia Jan Randa- Czechia 6/26/2002
Sehr gut projekt. Diese orgel sind wunderbar Also spielt ihr immer so schon. Ich auch spiele (ein wenig) orgel und ich weise, wie ist es super. Díky Ahoj!

Trabajo desde hace cuatro años en la recopilación de Corales ( advierto que son Corales , no Cantatas ) de J.S.Bach . En la actualidad he llegado hasta la BWV 144 y me produciría una gran satisfacción conectar con gru-pos corales interesados en compartirlas e interpretar- las .

Arnold Plooy 6/16/2002
Today we learned of Mick Jagger getting a knighthood. What would Bach get if he was alive today. Bach never fails to put put you in touch with God. His music will last forever. Keep on playing on. Thank you. A.Plooy. Australia.

Robert F. Venegas 6/16/2002
Looking for data re. my grandfather, Santiago Venegas, organist of the Cathedral of Mexico and Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, Ca. 1919-1920 et seq. Busco datos sobre mi abuelo paterno, Santiago Venegas, organista de la Catedral de Mexico cerca de los anos veinte y de la Holy Name en Chicago, Illinois, EUA.

Chalezky 6/14/2002

Don Albertson 6/13/2002
Thank you for wonderful music, superb photographs. Sincerely, Don Albertson

Rigoberto Valdelamar 6/12/2002
Si tienen: Sinfonia en do mayor Fantasia en sol mayor Fantasi en do menor Que me hicieran favor de enviar, asi como su ayuda para el significado de la claves: c, d, D, F#, etc. Gracias. Atte. Rigoberto Valdelamar Juarez

LEE SUNG CHURL 6/12/2002
thank you for bach music~ it is the best play i have ever heard! korea. seoul.

Matthias Malek 6/5/2002
Great Place for the greatest composer and his greatest master pieces! congratulations!!

Wolfgang Gleiser 6/3/2002
Hallo Mike, What a wondeful site dedicated to the marvellous organ music of Bach! Thank you so much! I live in Eisenach, where Bach was born and did spend his first years of life, and I attended Johann Sebastian's school, now the Martin-Luther-Gymnasium. We, the association of former students of Luther's and Bach's school, appreciate highly your great engagement for the promotion of proliferating Bach's work. A curiosity: Today I've downloaded the Toccata and Fugue BWV 540 from your site, th

Kari Ojala 5/28/2002
Splendid, this is my Bach haven from now on :-)

Nilüfer AÞLAK 5/27/2002
merci mille fois merci ...

wang 5/26/2002
find true calmness in Bach's splendid organ works, thanks a lot for you have done

Lars Dittrich 5/26/2002
A very great site with much greater music! Many thanks for these wonderful offers.

borst 5/23/2002
Merci pour ce que vous offrez, c'est merveilleux

Sebastian 5/22/2002
I am mainly orientated in dark and life-negotiating Black- or Gothic-Metal-Music from Norway, Sweden or other Metal-known countries, but I also love the fabulous and wonderful music of J.S.Bach that you´re giving to the internet-community. It is an intense pleasure listening to fine music on an organ that sounds as beautiful as it looks being played on by great artists. Please keep up your faithful work. Greetings from Hamburg, Germany! --- Life is pain, Sebberick!

jim sadler 5/16/2002
You are doing a wonderful thing by getting Bach out to the world. It is a fit task for a church and a blessing to all the world. Thank you Jim

Douglas Crank 5/14/2002
Wonderful, just wonderful. It was really uplifting to hear some of the works I've performed over the years played with such artistry. The voice of your organ is magnificant. The next time I'm in Spain, I will definitely make a trip to see your beautiful church, and hopefully hear, your beautiful organ. Thanks very much for the experience!

Jamie Kennedy 5/14/2002

Timo Vierto 5/11/2002
Thank you so much. Greetings from Finland. I'm Bach fun.

Jacek 5/9/2002
Well done. It is the web side I've been looking for. Try to place there more mp3 flies to make the web better

Phil Johnson 5/9/2002
This is a wondeful opportunity. Thank you very much!

Frog 5/8/2002

Sona Kim 5/6/2002
Hier ist in Korea... Erstmal habe ich hier besucht und dafuer habe ich viel Interesse. Es waere schoen, wenn ich mehrere Informationen von Ihnen bekommen koennte. Vielen Dank fuer Ihre Muehe! Nachtviole : )

Patti 5/5/2002
Thank you so much. Nun Kommt der Heiden Heiland, especially, is so beautiful it makes your heart hurt.

Bob Sanford98 5/3/2002
Great site THANKYOU

libby libby 4/29/2002

d p 4/28/2002

Michel Le Gac 4/28/2002
Very good MP3. It's a great site. It is in my bookmark!. The sound of organ is marvellous and the musician very very good. Thanks!

Russell Dodworth Dodworth Clearinghouse 4/25/2002
I come back from time to time, to get more nourishment. I shall come to see you, when I am in Spain. Keep up the good work in making this wonderful music available to old and youung, throuhout the world.

karl 4/24/2002
hi from germany!! i had to prepare a report about bach and the organs, and i found this website with wonderful samples for my report !!! thank you so much for this you helped me out a LOT. im also impressed by that fantastic organor del sol mayor in marbella. great..

bodo 4/22/2002

Paolo Tognazzi Tomb Raider World 4/20/2002
I'm an italian boy, I'm 15 years old and I love Bach very much!! This site is Great! These mp3's are very very very very goooooods :)

Günter Kosciankowski 4/19/2002
I don't succeed in downloading JSB. The Gif doesn't work. Please tell me what to do. GK-Germany

Seppo H Classical Music Index 4/17/2002
Isn't internet great! You can download this beutifull music, relax and enjoy. Thank for a excellent site.

Judi Paul 4/15/2002
Can you tell me how to download these files and is there a cost for this downloading? Thank you. Judi Pauo

Antonio Santos 4/15/2002

Vincent Pianos Chavanne 4/15/2002
Many thanks for Pilar, she is really pretty woman, and also a great musician and organist...really a dream..!!!

Jon Birger Aamaas 4/13/2002
Thank you for this fantastic web-site!

Alejandro Cynowicz 4/10/2002
It's all I could ever espect from a J. S. Bach website. The detail of giving us the chance of hearing a sample of the songs (usually quite long) is great! The quality of the performances are amazing. This site MUST be on every classical music lover's "Favorites" (Bookmarks) folder. It's a Piece of art.

Plamen & Ventseslav 4/10/2002
According to me there is full of inspiration on this page. Really this is a music from one of the greatest masters of Classical music forever!!!

Arturo Gutiérrez 4/5/2002
Hi. I only can to tell you: Bach was, Bach is and Bach will be.!!!

Jean STEUTELINGS Jean 4/2/2002
Félicitation pour la qualité des enregistrements - Jean

Heiner Lingener 4/2/2002
Eine hervorragende Website für Freunde Bach`scher Orgelmusik. Herzlichen Dank für die Mühe und Arbeit um Musikfreunde damit von Herzen zu erfreuen. Heiner Lingener, Cologne/Germany

Collard autrouvetout 4/1/2002
Je souhaite être avertie des nouveaux mp3, merci d'avance Valy

Dick Brands 3/31/2002
Veel dank voor dit mooie werk ! THANK YOU!!

Pierrette LCouillard 3/31/2002

A Luis 3/31/2002
Es maravilloso escuchar las obras de órgano del gran Dios BACH en formato MP3 desde ese instrumento grandioso del Sol Mayor. Muchas gracias por poder oir esa maravilla de tal calidad. Hay una diferencia abismal en relación a los midis. Y animo a quien corresponda a que aumente las obras que podamos escuchar en tal sistema Saludos desde La Bañeza (León).-España

Stanislav Kiriyenko 3/29/2002
Parabéns pelo site, seu conteúdo é excelente. Poucos sites na internet têm interpretações tão boas, além do mais, esse repertório do Bach é o melhor.

Douglas Copp 3/28/2002

Fans 3/28/2002
Thank you!!!

John Foss MOUNT OLYMPUS - PIERIA 3/23/2002
Congratulations on an excellent site with some magnificent performances which I can enjoy at my leisure. Your generosity is to be encouraged. John Foss GRSM ARCM (formerly organist Holy Trinity, SLoane Street, London SW1)

Danelle 3/21/2002
bach had some great music and had a very interesting life!

mauricio navarrete 3/21/2002
cuando visitas sitios como este das gracias de tener acseso a la red y asi poder difrutar de esta maravillosa musica, desde Chile mMauricio

fanculo brutti stronzi voglio lo spartito di Bach se nn me lo mandate entro 5 minuti ve chiudo come uno startack

hot stuff girls rule 3/17/2002

Jürgen Schröder Das Orgelmagazin 3/15/2002
Interesting site ! Greetings from West - Germany. Invitation to the orgelmagazin. J.Schröder

Ib Rasmussen 3/14/2002
Thank you for making all this great music available on the net.

Dr Randolph Knipping 3/7/2002
Music to heal the soul, tend the wounds of life, germinate the seeds of compassion and sprout forth the love that brings together all those wounded spirits lost in the winds of suffering, peace at last!

Marc Quinet 3/7/2002

George LeFurjah 3/5/2002
There are some transcendent men that are able not only to feel the presence of God's spirit within but are able to convey the essence of the experience through their work. The great J.S. Bach was such a man. His organ music never fails to move me spiritually and has been a fundamental part of my religious experience. Thank you for providing these recordings to Bach admirers such as myself on your wondeful web site.

Grim Michael 3/5/2002
Thank you

Julian M. Arenas 3/4/2002
El sitio es espectacular y el sonido de las grabaciones en mp3 de Juan Sebastian Bach es excelente, el organo del Sol Mayor en lo que he podido escuchar en las grabaciones es algo demasiadamente especial.

Gregory Van Balla 3/4/2002
Please email me when there are new completed organ works for download. Thank you Greg

Jan Winkel 2/24/2002
Great! Lots of thanks. Jan


Micah Bickford 2/23/2002
What a beautiful organ -- both in sight and sound! Please let me know when you have more Bach works posted. Well Done!

J W Hannigan John 2/22/2002

Gilberto Tetlalmatzi 2/22/2002
Me parece maravilloso que exista una página que permita disfrutar a todo el mundo de la inigualable música de Joan Sebastian Bach y deseo expresarles mis más sinceros agradecimientos por ello. Las piezas de este gran compositor siempre me han conmovido y es un verdadero placer escucharlas a traves de éste sitio en la red. Les escribo desde Tlaxcala México , me gustaría que en las próximas actualizaciones incluyeran algo del Laberinto Harmónico, y !adelante con su gran labor en la divulgación de

Sant Tran Royal Forest Department 2/21/2002
Dear Sirs: This is the second time I am leaving the best wishing message to this website. My comment of the program is uncomparable to the wunderful offerings of your good, intentional and tastful people. Thanks a lot indeed. Sheers, Sant Tran Bangkok, Thailand

Mike Doster 2/21/2002
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for some of the BEST Bach I've heard out there on the internet!!! It's quite refreshing to hear something that doesn't make a diserning ear cringe, but, perk and listen up. Great pieces, great performances, great environment, what's NOT to like??? the acoustics were phenominal, KUDOS to the engineers who recorded the lovelyest thing I've heard lately! BUENO! Salute! Mike Doster Griffin, Georgia USA

Mosca Francesco 2/19/2002
Thanks very much, for your music, go on !!!

Jerry N Steitz 2/19/2002
I finally have ADSL access to the Internet! I can now download music from your site much faster. The quality is great! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU

Nilanjan Karfa 2/16/2002
Best instrument in the best of hands. Congrats and Thanks for sharing the music. - Nil.

Weisel Mitmach-Orgeldatenbank 2/12/2002
Die Mitmach-Orgeldatenbank grüßt alle Orgelfreunde

Bruce 2/4/2002
Magnificent. Thanks to you, I will never have to travel without Bach.

mo 2/2/2002
Browsing - Thanks - Just think how old JS would have stretched the technology of music with today's instruments.

Neil Grantham 1/24/2002
Truly inspirational. Well Done.

Georg Race.at - Where the music lives 1/20/2002
hi to all music-lovers around the world from www.race.at

uhb uhb 1/18/2002
Fantastisch! (Great!)

Marisa 1/15/2002

Nilüfer AÞLAK 1/15/2002
un cité magnifique..comme J.S.BACH.. je l'ai trouvé que je cherche merci merci merci

Marta V Carver 1/12/2002
Congratulations on your site. I love hearing Bach because his music makes me feel in God's presence. I can't explain why but I am thankful for his life and works. Glory to God only...thanks...

MusicFan MusicFan 1/8/2002
Thank you for providing this records. Would you like to place records of BWV-544 in your site? Have you any old records of Albert Schweitzer?

Verdaderamente resulta menester saludarles y darles gracias por la satisfaccion que me produce el tener acceso a la obra del increible Bach por medio se vuestro sitio. El espacio que generan simplemente me ha conmovido. Desde la patagonia Chilena, y mas especificamente, desde la hermosa Punta Arenas les saludo y les felicito, como joven amante de la obra de Bach. Es mi deseo el que mucha gente se beneficie y deleite con vuestro trabajo. Simplemente, gracias, muchisimas gracias.

TABATINGA José 1/4/2002
Gracias por poner en la internete el Organo del Sol Mayor con las musicas de Juan-Sebastián para nosotros. Si no fuera esa iniciativa, yo jamás podria conocer la fuerza y la riqueza de ese organo. Gracias una vez mas.

Luc Mertès 1/1/2002
Remarquables extraits musicaux ! Toutes mes félicitations !

Maciek Kilijanski 12/28/2001
Very good site. Congartulations indeed

David Elphee 12/27/2001
Thanks for providing this great recorded music of one of the greatest composers of all time. I am a church organist in Staunton, Virginia USA

Oscar Fleischer 12/22/2001
Let me tell you what I feel while listening Bach: "Erbarm' dich mein, oh Herre Gott". The truth is that I can't stop thinking of GOD while listening to Bach. And I feel like thanking HIM for Bach, and for the spiritual blessings I feel through his music. Many thanks to the wonderfull people who bring Bach's music alive in your church and wherever, they must be the first to experience the blessing of this wonderfull music. Oscar, December 22, 2001 Vancouver

Wang 12/22/2001
very interesting and the first organ site I found , I love Bach organ works

R. Marc Jack 12/20/2001

Akin Olu Olubi 12/19/2001
I am interested in receiving the downloads of J.S.Bach's Organ works.

Father John Toon 12/16/2001
Bravo! Wonderfully exciting. Thank you. Fr John (St Mary la Prairie, Manitoba, Can.)

Dan Seymour 12/13/2001
Please send yours news letters.

Benjamin Juárez 12/13/2001
excelente página, por casualidad al leer una revista cristiana, localicé esta, y me llenó de alegría, gracias por esto. que DLB. otra cosa, ¿conocen una página sobre música con flautas, (barroca).

Sylvie 12/12/2001

Alf Degraaff 12/11/2001
Your site is probably the most important site on the net for me.I don,t think you could do much better.Thank you.

Gonzalo 12/9/2001
Les agradezco profundamente que hayan incluido en estos últimos tiempos más obras, pero como aficionado al órgano, estudiante de piano y discípulo seguidor de Johann Sebastian Bach, en mi opinión el más grande y prolífico genio de la música occidental, les ruego que por favor si es posible modifiquen las obras publicadas en MP3 de 22.100 kHz, que ocupan poco espacio pero son muy pobres en calidad, hacia 44.100 kHz. Este proceso se puede hacer cuando se pasan las pistas de Audio a MP3. Solicit

Miguel Angel Mendez 12/9/2001
Hola: Me gustaria saber si me podrian conseguir estas obras en cd o decirme si aqui en Puebla Mexico las puedo conseguir,soy un apasionado escucha de este genero de musica,quisiera saber si tienen esta obra: post elevacion y ofertorio de Ramon Noble. algunas obras las he escuchado en el organo de la Catedral de Puebla en conciertos por citar a alguno del eminente organista Victor Urban. Sin mas me despido no sin antes agradecerles su ayuda y les doy mi voto por

Alain REVERET 12/9/2001
please inform me for the news about JSB records in MP3 regards.

Jonathan Brodhagen Jonathan Brodhagen 12/8/2001
As the audience (including many young people!) chanted to the great organist Virgil Fox at Carnegie Hall, "Keep playing, keep playing!", when he finished a grand Bach prelude, so we say, "More, more, more!" These glorious recordings from such fine organists give life renewed hope and joy. Who says there is no power in Bach music?! And what better music is there to listen to in college while preparing for final exams? Thank you, and God Bless, Jonathan Brodhagen

Kinga 12/7/2001
Hallo, ich komme aus Polen und ich habe einen Problem - ich kann ohne Bach nicht leben :-( Ich freue mich, dass ich eure Seite gefunden habe, Wenn was neues bei euch erscheint, würde ich gerne dabei sein. Grüße alle Leute, die die echte Musik lieben. Kinga, die Polin.

Stefan Skychannelone 12/2/2001
Hallo.Lob an den Betreiber dieser Seite.Es tut gut mal über eine feine Klassik Page etwas hochwertiges von Bach zu hören.Grüße aus Österreich and "Thanks for the Music" by Steve

Stephanie Dana Bach Rulez!!! 11/30/2001
Wow this site is soooooo awesome! Its the gnarliest site eva. There are no words to explain how rad your site is. I want to have your children!

martinvanrooijen 11/30/2001
I am having a wonderful time reading,listening and will certainly be back often.

terra music 11/29/2001

Carlos Pérez 11/25/2001
Extraordinario sitio, magníficas tomas sonoras, interpretaciones brillantes. Desde Argentina, esperando alguna vez poder ir a ver vuestro instrumento sobresaliente, un saludo para vosotros, y a seguir divulgando este tesoro de la humanidad.

Mario Tiberi 11/25/2001
ho fatto appena un "assaggino". E' strepitoso!!! grazie.

Néstor Omar Larralde 11/22/2001
Realmente impresionante el "Órgano del Sol Mayor" y la ejecución por parte de los artistas. Gracias por permitirme compartir tan grata experiencia.

Rogelio H. Figueroa 11/18/2001
La difusión de la existencia de estos instrumentos debe dejar de ser para una élite. Universalmente debe saberse de su existencia. Para fortuna la red permitió que "le descubriera" (Perdonad mi ignorancia, pero en la República Mexicana poco o nada se sabe de la prolífica, maravillosa y envidiable organiería que se conservaen España) y solamente al través de ella pude conocer esta maravilla. Les congratulo a todos por la excelente página.

Joel 11/18/2001
esta pagina esta exelente, los felicito y espero que pongan cada vez mas mp3 nuevos

Warren L. Wood 11/18/2001
We have truly enjoyed the J.S. Bach recordings especially having visited Marbella a few years ago and with the intention of visiting again soon. Thank you.

Simo Vanni 11/18/2001
Thank you for the beautiful music. I came to code for the weekend and will play these organ concertos in the background.

Arne Husby Flashman 11/15/2001
Great music from a great organ.Keep up the god work

Fyodor S. Kot 11/14/2001
Dear Mesdams, Dear Sirs, Thank you so much for the mp3 tracks with the J-S Bach's compositions! We have loaded them and for a while stopped ourselves in this everyday-being circulation. Khabarovsk, Russia

machine head666 11/12/2001
was ein scheiss.habt ihr mutterficker keine zitate von bach?voll arm.scheise mit däh mp3,need lyricz

misu 11/11/2001
Organ music is my favourite.I'll be happy if you'll inform me about new organ works ready for download!

Pablo Quintana 11/8/2001
Esta página es excelente; la calidad interpretativa de los solistas, la claridad de las grabaciones y la multiplicidad de enlaces web sobre el gran Johann Sebastian Bach hacen de esta página la parada obligatoria para quienes disfrutamos la obra de dicho compositor. ¡Sigan adelante!

User24 Hack Attack 11/8/2001
Fantastic idea, how about short descriptions of the pieces for us novices. also check out cdex at www.cdex.n3.net - take CD tracks to MP3 and it's free.

michel courant 11/8/2001
bravo pour votre site et ses oeuvres de grandes qualités

yesir 11/7/2001
gracias por esta wed. thanks for this wed.

Göran Abrahamson 11/7/2001
Dear Friends, I am either a snob or a genuin music lover for frankly, yours are the only mp3:s I ever download. Thanks from the bottom of my heart! Yours truly Göran Abrahamson

John n/a 11/4/2001
I finally realized why Bach put "to the glory of god" on all of his works when I heard the toccata and fugue in d minor!

Melanie Griffith 11/1/2001
What a wonderful site! The pictures are incredible and the music is absolutely beautiful! Thank you and may God bless you.

aluisf 10/31/2001
Quiero dar las gracias por la posibilidad de oir esta maravillosa música de Bach y que gracias a Pilar Cabrera en un concierto que le escuché en el órganos de la Iglesia de Santa María de La Bañeza (León)llegó al summum del paraíso. Gracias.

jesus 10/21/2001
i uantto buy a organ book

Bryan Jeffrey 10/21/2001
I love this site; I think it's great how we can freely download these inspiring masterpieces. I love it. There should be more sites like it.

Csaba Gaspar 10/21/2001
The collection is very nice! One question: where could I find Prelude and Fugue in E flat major (BWV552)? Bye: Csaba

Yossi 10/18/2001

Allan Tetzlaff Black Dragon Orchids 10/17/2001
Heart felt thanks for sharing mighty works of the Great Master. Also Greetings from Canada. I appreciate your kindness in making this great gift of music available for all of us out here. There is no glory in war, but there is great glory in harmonies that touch the soul.

David McCarthy 10/10/2001
I play organ and I was wondering if you could send me some info about the registrations of your organ. How many manuals, what stops, what size pipes, etc. I think your site is great but it could use some more pieces. I recommend the Prelude and Fugue in C minor BWV 549. Thank you, David McCarthy

Peeter Kolk 10/10/2001
Great site on greatest composer, thanks!

Alessandra Mor ROOM500 Virtual Assistants 10/10/2001
very nice website!

h-c s 10/5/2001

Jorge H. Restrepo Q. 10/1/2001
Esto es, ¡alimento para el alma!

Kat Crichton kat.crichton.com 9/27/2001
High quality recordings of outstandingly beautiful performances. Thank you. I have spent this morning in a state of bliss.

Tim Weaver Strt Runr 9/24/2001
I used to play organ at my church. Your organ and playing are very beautiful. Thank you very making this inspiring music available. Tim

Dave 9/23/2001
Wonderful music. I am currently studying Bach's Toccatta and Fugue in D minor, and your method is wonderful! Hopefully, someday, I will be able to make some (harmonious) sounds come from the king of instruments, but until then, I will continue listening. Thank You!

Peter Westhorpe www.highfieldschool.com 9/19/2001
Great site My Chemistry classes have been working to your Music this week - it helps them think - and me relax! Pete

Amílcar 9/19/2001
Excelente ideia, a de disponibilizarem tão boas execuções de obras tão conhecidas na Internet. Muitos parabéns e obrigado!

Stephen Texas Climbers 9/17/2001
Great site! Great music! Your music is allowing me to work through the day with more joy. Cheers, Stephen

seydi 8/25/2001
thank you for providing such a helpful and enjoyable site for classical music lovers.

Tali Serruya 8/22/2001
una pregunta........... donde me puedo bajar partituras para piano de Bach porque intento bajarme "toccata y fuga en re menor", pero no la encuentro. gracias.....

ARIEL CUENCA ------------------------- 8/19/2001

Warren L. Wood 8/13/2001
We have been enjoying your downloads of music from the Marbella organ. They mean more to us because we have visited your fine city and hope to return soon and visit the cathedral in hopes of hearing this fine organ in person. Thank you.

Larry 8/11/2001
The organ. Truly the instrument of the Gods. And what would we do without the music of Bach !!

Alejandro 8/8/2001
En donde vivo es muy dificil encontrar este tipo de musica. Les agradesco de todo corazon el haber pensado en colocar estas magnificas melodias a disposicion de todos y espero que sigan agregando muchas mas.

Insane delirium Insane Delirium 8/4/2001
Parabéns pelo site! Gostei bastante!

Ayhan Sahin 8/4/2001
Thank you very much for this organization

Gilbert Lee Brahms 7/16/2001
Thank you so much for sharing your brilliant interpretation of Bach's d-minor fugue.

Göran Abrahamson 7/15/2001
Göteborg, July 15th 2001 Dear Friends, Once more you and the fifth Evangelist have made me a happy man. Thanks, and keep up the good work! Yours affectionate Göran Abrahamson

Itay Klein 7/15/2001
Many thanks for you,a lonly night became vivid because of you

Renzo Taschini 7/15/2001
Great project for a great man and musician! Go on!

Renzo Taschini 7/15/2001
Great project for a great man and musician! Go on!

Timo Salonen 7/13/2001
Thank you for excellent site. Especially symphony in D major was great. Thanks (and more ?) Timo Salonen

Dr Colin Pounder 7/13/2001
Was it the Holy Father who said that God listens to Bach and the angels listen to Mozart - God eavesdrops. What a giant was Johann Sebastian Bach and this magnificent site which does justice to his creations.

Emill 6/28/2001
Very nice site, both in graphics and in contents! Wonderful and useful. Anyway, three questions: 1st - The choral BWV 659 sounds to me like too fast in execution... is it? 2nd - Is it possible to submit MP3 files containing works by Bach (the second greatest composer in the Universe - the first is God :) played onto other organs? 3rd - Maybe I did not watch well, but I did not see any forum in your site... what about starting one? Emill - Italy

Stefani Luciano 6/27/2001
Felicitationes para el bel sito de Bach e de l'organo de Marbella. Me gustaria mucho recibir en e-mail la Sinphonia de la Cantata 29 (creo se trata de la transcription de Duprè) porche' no se trova en commercio.Disculpe de mi espanol mucho rudimental e ancora "auguri" con la musica immortal de J.S.Bach Gratias Stefani Luciano - Italia

Stefani Luciano 6/27/2001
Felicitationes para el bel sito de Bach e de l'organo de Marbella. Me gustaria mucho recibir en e-mail la Sinphonia de la Cantata 29 (creo se trata de la transcription de Duprè) porche' no se trova en commercio.Disculpe de mi espanol mucho rudimental e ancora "auguri" con la musica immortal de J.S.Bach Gratias Stefani Luciano - Italia

Gabriel Motilla More 6/26/2001
Saludos:Me es muy interesante la Musica de J.S.Bach sobre todo la que la que tiene el contrapunto;además una de mis favoritas es el Concierto de Brandemburgo No.3 Gracias.

Bernd Dao Lu - exellente Kampfkunst 6/22/2001
Ich wollte nur einen Gruß hinterlassen! Bernd Dao Lu Kampfkunstmeister http://www.daolu.de Zweitages Spezialkurse für Frauen,Kinder und gefährdete Personen. Auf Wunsch Weltweit!

Eva 6/18/2001
you have interesting music pieces bad a very bad quality for the downloads!

Billy Mahari 6/16/2001
I want to say that all J.S Bach's Songs Really good to Listen,especially for the Classic GUitar.He is the one of a very Melodious,Religious Composer,and I want to Say Thank You Very much,because You Influenced me to Seriously pLay Classic Guitar

h.g Kwy;h 6/15/2001
dfuhwe; o08yt[2OTewjVG

Jacek 6/11/2001
I always liked this music. I wonder if "liked" is a good comment about J.S.Bach. I wish all people are listening to this music all of the world.

Benjamin McClintic 6/9/2001
I would love to be informed any time new works become available for download from your or companion sites!! Thanks much, Ben

Jamie White 6/8/2001
At Last! i have found a website with toccata in MP3 format! (midi files dont sound the same!)

Vítor Carvalho 6/8/2001
Greetings from Portugal! I was trying to find some Bach's Organ compositions for a while! Finally I reached your page and I became real impressed! Thank you for sharing his beautiful music with us!

M.Angeles 6/7/2001
quisiera oir la cantata 147 de bach, y no sé dónde buscarla. (no hablo inglés) Muchas gracias M.Angeles

Lucas Moreira 6/6/2001
I would like to know when more complete organ works will be in the site. And how can I get more musics (all musics) of Bach in mp3 file. Please, send a e-mail to me. Thanks. And I loved this site. Congratulations!

raita mihail 6/2/2001

Pawel 5/31/2001
Ahhh!! Some good mp3's!!!

Steven Wolf 5/29/2001
Very good site, Orchan looks beautifull, will visit when in Spain.

Gonzalo no tengo 5/28/2001
Me parece bárbaro que le dediquen este sitio web a un genio de la música como lo es Johann S. Bach. El sito está muy bueno y sigan publicando obras en MP3.

J. H. van der Vyver 5/27/2001
Splendid. Please keep me posted on new complete recordings!

tony lamberti 5/26/2001
as a fellow organist i was moved by her playing,please let me know when a cd can be bought in a major retail store, and on what label she signed with.

CM Liberty Music Pages 5/24/2001
Nice Site :-) Check out mine. Lots of free midi and karaoke downloads as well as karaoke players.

Matti Hasari 5/23/2001

David Lavrin 5/22/2001

Micky Micky Barry's Page of All 5/20/2001
Neat site here. You might want to invest a little time in checking out my website. I think you would like it. I'm a female guitarist/singer/songwriter who just recorded a solo album. Check it out!

Matthew Gould 5/13/2001
I am a 19 year old student in the UK and came across your site looking for recordings of Bach. I was very impressed with what I found here. I have just been listening to the Toccata and Fugue in D minor and have been very impressed, truely inspiring organ mastery. The organ sounds wonderful, I just wish there was such a fantastic organ near me.

George 5/12/2001
My name is George. I am from Russia. I very like music,she help me in my struggle with heavy illness. Now I very seriously ill. Please, visit to my page: http://polycystic.artshost.com/ Pray for me and support me in my struggle for life with difficult curable, and in conditions of Russia by fatal illness. My address: moscowgeorge@chat.ru

Tobias Marbler 5/8/2001
Hello, I am searching for the BWV reference of the two prelude for organ in d-minor and C-major. Could anyone help me out. Thanks in advance.

Martin Fischer - 5/5/2001
Thanks for this wonderful site ! a week before I`ve seen the film "Solaris" following the book of Stanislaw Lem, but I`ve forgotten the name of the wonderful music from J.S.Bach. Can you tell me please ? best regards, Martin Fischer

MARTIN E. RUDD 5/4/2001

Jojo 5/4/2001
This website is ok. Wherez the a flat minor stuff!?! Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. U make me mad. This site is crummy Get a new one. And get a life. Goodbye! P.S. Just kidding, ur site is cool kinda

Gilda N. Suro 4/21/2001
Donde Comprar los CD's en Estados Unidos.

Andrej 4/20/2001
Thanks for music. Keep me update please about new downloads will avaliable

anna 4/20/2001
cool site

Oscar Vargas 4/19/2001
Excelente las cuatro interpretacionde de toccata y fugue. Desería obtener mas archivo mp3 de otras obras

Oscar Vargas 4/19/2001
Excelente las cuatro interpretacionde de toccata y fugue. Desería obtener mas archivo mp3 de otras obras

Alessandra Mazzanti 4/19/2001
I consider this is a wonderfull idea: organ music deserves more publicity. Send me all your new pieces.

Luis Mazón Órganos en México 4/18/2001
Felicitaciones, este site sera muy importante en cuestion de la musica organistica en los paises de habla hispana. Saludos a Pilar y a Michael.

Danny Wilcox 4/13/2001
wonderful site keep up the good work

Josep Maspoch 4/10/2001
Felicidades por su fantástica página. Les agradecería que me informaran cuando la modifiquen o añadan contenidos. Muchísimas gracias.

Diane Forster 4/10/2001
Please inform me when all (or any) works are ready for download. Thank you!

Livadas Dimitris 4/4/2001
Hallo! Welches Digitalinstrument in Rackform, oder fertige Toene in CD kommen dem Organo del Sol Mayor am naehesten. Nur kompetente Antwort erwuenscht! Danke im voraus

antonio ribeiro 4/1/2001

mauricio mart 3/29/2001
Los felicito por el aporte a difundir el arte y muestro interes sobre su propuesta de obras completas de Bach.

Isaiac 3/21/2001

Jury 3/20/2001
Great site. But couldn't find a copy of the scores of toccata and fugue anywhere

humberto 3/18/2001
Me gustaria poder obtener obras completas en formato mp3. La pagina esta super

Julia 3/14/2001
Hey. Great site. I'm looking for an mp3 of Wachet Auf - Johann Sebastian Bach. If you can help me PLEASE email me and tell me where i can get it. thanks =)

Bruce Current 3/13/2001

Chris Gardiner 3/10/2001
Please update me on all info Thanks!

Chris Gardiner 3/10/2001
Please update me on all info Thanks!

Elena 3/10/2001
very good

terje erik oppegaard 3/8/2001
Yes, I should like very much to be informed .

dedi hendrawan 3/4/2001
this beautyful web form the greatest musician ...the master piece of music :)

Claude Garrod 3/2/2001
Looks interesting.

Mohan G. 3/2/2001
Keep up the good work. Waiting to hear all of Bach's music...

Raja 3/1/2001
Please drop me a message when I can download the complete works! What a great website!

Jaime Ruiz I 2/26/2001
Deseo saber que tipo de Música de Bach, tienen disponibles en formato MP3. Los Felicito por tener un sitio tan excelente y gracias por amar la música antigua. También deseo saber si conocen otro sitio para bajar música MP3 de bacha en forma gratuita. Gracias Jaime Ruiz

nilufer aslak 2/25/2001
j`aimé beaucoup J.S.BACH, plus excellant

Jerry Steitz 2/22/2001
Yes, I would like to be informed about the moment when the complete organ works are ready for download.

Jerry Steitz 2/22/2001
Yes, I would like to be informed about the moment when the complete organ works are ready for download.

Oscar Vargas 2/21/2001
Quisiera saber como obtener Tocata y Fuga completa en formato MP3. Gracias

Louise Mattice 2/19/2001

Bruce Gensemer Earthlink 1/25/2001

Danny Wilcox 1/14/2001

gert messelink 1/9/2001
interested in bach mp3 files to download

Olof Sandstrom 1/4/2001

Verda McGraw 12/31/2000
Please keep me posted on your progress. Love this site!

Stanford Shaw 12/31/2000
Please keep me informed about the availability of Bach Organ recordings on your web site. Professor Stanford Shaw University of California Los Angeles

Linda Wal 12/28/2000
Is there another name for the Bach organ work of Queen of Sheiba" ? What would the German name be and what is the BWV number be for this piece?

Albert weeks 12/20/2000
I'm interested in recordings of Bach's organ Prelude in a minor, BWV 569. Any leads?

Gustavo Zamorano 12/19/2000

Oscar Vargas 12/18/2000
Como podria obtener una copia en formato MP· de tan estupenda interpretacin de la Toccata y fuga. Gracias

E. Tsai Hinet 12/17/2000
Fantastic organ music I'd really like all of Bach's music

Robert Kurucz 12/16/2000
I'm ornanist. J like the Bach organ music. I like download the Toccata and Fugue in d (dorian) - BWV 538in MP3. What can I do it. We are denvelopment the organ setzer. This setzer 64 kombinations/ memori card, and 128 registers operaited. Best regards Robert.

Warren Wood 12/15/2000

M. Smith 12/15/2000
Wonderful music

Ben DeSmidt 12/11/2000

HOMERO CASTRO A. 12/11/2000

Georges Guité 12/11/2000
je suis ravi de pouvoir écouter cette musique d'aussi loin.Merci de la rendre accessible.

Jerry N Steitz 12/10/2000
I just downloaded and listened to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in d minor, played by Pilar Cabrera. I love it! Pilar performed it beautifully and the organ is magnificent. The quality of the sound is also great. Please notify me whenever you have more to download. Gratefully yours, Jerry Steitz

Eduardo Perez 12/10/2000
Dear Sirs: Thanks a lot for the beautiful release of the magnificent Taccata and Fugue in D minor. Also I want to say that I enjoy this site and I'd like to keep receiving news from your. Sincerely yours Eduardo Perez

kees heersping 12/10/2000

Irving Schlinger 12/10/2000
Please E-mail me notice when complete works by Baroque composers are available as down loadable files. Try to include some D. Scarlatti and Vivaldi if possible. Thank you for Toccata & fugue in D Minor. Awesome!

Amparo B. Riley 12/10/2000
Michael, felicidades, como siempre sigues superandote en lo que llevas a cabo. Nos ha gustado mucho oir de Ti , y digo nos porque Guillermo esta pasando el fin de semana aqui e igual que yo te manda muchos saludos. Nos gusto mucho la calidad de las fotos, pero esto ya lo conocemos, digo la calidad de tu trabajo. Un abrazo Amparo

claudia millwisch 12/10/2000
website name and address will follow later. Congratulations to the great quality of the foto of the organ of Marbella, done by mikereck, master of fotography!! Thanks for informing me about the concerts that took place on that organ, wich I remeber from its very very first days!!! Good luck for the future and many further wonderful concerts on that organ I wish you all... Claudia Millwisch from Vienna Austria

Ed Damen 12/9/2000
org. partituren van 4 stemmige koren.

Louise Mattice 12/9/2000
wonderful sight!

Betty Anderson Stembol 12/6/2000
Please let me know when the complete MP3s are available. I Love Bach played on an organ.

Alberto Rohde 12/5/2000
no tengo experiencia en bajar musica por internet. Soy aficionado a la Musica Clasica en general y en particular a musica de camara, barroca y de JS Bach. Deseo saber si la pagina Web de Uds, es para bajar musica gratuita o es con un pago para suscribirse.

Serge Gendron 12/1/2000
Your site is magnificent. Please send me information when tre organ work will be on Mp3. thank you

Jim Michael 11/25/2000
We love Bach. We love Barcelona. Sus Amigos, Jaime y Danae Miguel de Valle Verde, Arizona, EEUU

James King 11/24/2000
Great website. Do you have any selections played on the cathedral organ at Morelia, Michoacan?

Bill Maxfield 11/22/2000
Love your music!!!

Jean-LouisMullenders 11/22/2000
tenez-moi informé svp, merci.

Mahmoud M Salem 11/18/2000
I feel like I'm flying when I here the samples I want to fly for more time so I hope that you will put longer samples and it will be better if you but complete works

Eduardo Pérez 11/17/2000
Soy un ferviente admirador de la música de Bach y quiero conectarme con gente que comparta el mismo sentimiento.

warren wood 11/16/2000
I am ver interested in organ music - esoecially in the organ del sol. I am also interested in the organ music of the Catedral Burgos y Catedral del Toledo y Catedral del Saville



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