Angel Roncero (1941-2021) - Madrid

La música para órgano de Johann Sebastian Bach
es como escuchar la voz de Dios !

del momento inactivo

38 dedicatorias de cinco continentes.

Algunas dedicatorias muy destacadas.

355 dedicatorias inscritas entre los años 1996 a 2015.            

Las grandes obras para órgano de Johann Sebastian Bach grabadas
con el Órgano del Sol Mayor, uno de los más importantesre órganos de España.

One of Spain's largest and finest church organs

Organo del Sol Mayor - Marbella - España
Fotografía de Michael Reckling

¡Este instrumento tan destacado es uno de los órganos de iglesia más grandes de España!
Michael Reckling ha sido el impulsor de este gran proyecto, iniciado en 1970.
Instrumento construido por los principales organeros de España, Blancafort-Capella de Barcelona.

El 24 de agosto de 2001 falleció Don Gabriel Blancafort (1929 - 2001),
artesano y creador del gran Órgano de Marbella.
Michael Reckling ha dedicado a su amigo y creador del gran órgano de Marbella una página


Marbella's Main Church, Our Lady of Encarnation

El gran Órgano Blancafort está situado en la Iglesia Mayor,
Nuestra Señora de la Encarnación en el casco antiguo de Marbella.
La Iglesia Mayor de Marbella pertenece a la diócesis de Málaga.

Todas las obras para órgano presentadas en este sitio web han sido grabadas en Marbella
durante los conciertos de órgano celebrados en los últimos 30 años.

Deseamos ofrecer a todos los amantes de la música de órgano
todas nuestras grabaciones de primera calidad
de las más maravillosas obras para órgano, compuestas por el gran maestro


1685 - 1750

del momento no activado
pero pueden ver 355 dedicatorias inscritas entre los años 1996 y 2000.            
Aquí pueden ver algunas dedicatorias muy destacadas .

* * *

Jean Langlais in Marbella

Jean Langlais con Michael Reckling en 1977.
Fue su único recital en España en el gran órgano Blancafort de Marbella.

Jean Langlais
* La Fontenelle, February 15, 1907
d. Paris, May 8, 1991
Jean Langlais interpreta tres corales Schübler.
Wachet auf ruft uns die Stimme - BWV 645
Coral muestra
obra completa publicada en

Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten - BWV 647
Coral muestra
obra completa publicada en

Kommst Du nun... - BWV 650
Coral muestra
obra completa publicada en

Este último coral no está completo, ya que la cinta analógica
llegó hasta su fin antes de que Jean Langlais terminara de tocar.
Lamentamos mucho este inconveniente.

Fotografía tomada por Michael Reckling el día anterior.
su única actuación en España durante la Semana Santa de 1977.

Una entrevista muy breve realizada por Michael Reckling, en el Hotel Marbella Club en 1977
y grabado con uno de los primeros equipos de vídeo en blanco y negro Akai VR-110.
Un vídeo inédito de Jean Langlais con Michael Reckling.    

* * *

compuesto por Johann Sebastian Bach

Toda la música de órgano de este sitio web
ha sido grabada exclusivamente en el gran Órgano Blancafort de Marbella.

  Pilar Cabrera Pilar Cabrera plays BWV 565
Toccata and Fugue in d minor
Toccata & Fugue - fragmento

obra completa en

Picture of Pilar Cabrerar at the Cavaillé-Coll organ in Douai / France.
© Photo by Michael Reckling

Pilar Cabrera recording for RNE (National Spanish Radio) 
at Marbella's Organo del Sol Mayor.
click to enlarge
Pilar Cabrera plays BWV 530 (at the age of 21)
Triosonata Nr. 6 in G major

Triosonata Nr.6

Pilar Cabrera recording in 1985 for RNE (National Spanish Radio)
at Marbella's main church "Our Lady of Encarnation".
© Photo by Michael Reckling

                         PILAR CABRERA 
visiting the Albiez-Organ in Frankfurt, Germany. Pilar Cabrera plays BWV 528 (at the age of 22)
Triosonata Nr. 4 in e minor

Triosonata Nr. 4 - fragmento

obra completa en

Live recording from a summer recital
at Marbella's main church "Our Lady of Encarnation".
Picture of Pilar Cabrera at the Albiez-Organ in Frankfurt / N., Germany.
© Photo by Michael Reckling

All organ music of this web site has been recorded exclusively at the grand Marbella Organ in Spain.

Pilar Cabrera recording for RNE (National Spanish Radio) 
at Marbella's Organo del Sol Mayor.

click to enlarge
Pilar Cabrera plays BWV 532 at the age of 18.
Prelude and Fugue in D major

Prelude fragmento

obra completa en

Pilar Cabrera recording at Marbella's grand Organ in 1982.
© Portrait by Michael Reckling

All of our organ music has been recorded with the grand Marbella Organ in Spain.

Excellent recordings of organ music 
 and organ with other instruments.

Ian Tracey in Marbella in 1986
Ian Tracey plays BWV 538

Toccata and Fugue in d minor (dorian)


Ian Tracey  recording the day after his concert in Marbella in 1986.
© Photo by Michael Reckling

All organ music of this web site has been recorded exclusively at the grand Marbella Organ in Spain.

Rosalinde Haas performing in Spain in 1986. Rosalinde Haas plays - BWV 564
Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major

Toccata fragmento
the complete Toccata published at
Adagio   (the complete movement)
Fugue fragmento
the complete Fugue published at

Rosalinde Haas the day after her concert in Marbella in 1986.
© Portrait by Michael Reckling

All organ music of this web site has been recorded exclusively at the grand Marbella Organ in Spain.

HANS H. WERRES performing in Spain  in 1976. Blind organist Hans H. Werres from Germany
plays - BWV 564  Adagio
from Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C major

Adagio fragmento

Adagio completo en

Hans Werres in 1976 at his depature from Málaga Airport.
© Photo by Michael Reckling

All of our organ music has been recorded with the grand Marbella Organ in Spain.

Excellent recordings of organ music 
 and organ with other instruments.

composed by Johann Sebastian Bach

IAN TRACEY plays BWV 582
    Passacaglia and Fugue in c minor

Passacaglia fragmento
Passacaglia completa en

Fugue fragmento
Fugue completa en

As the Fugue starts right in the ecco of the last accord of the Passacaglia,
we have recorded the last accord of the Passacaglia together with the beginning of the Fugue.

Pilar Cabrera from Spain

Pilar Cabrera performing at the 4 Organs of El Escorial / Madrid.
Photo M. Reckling

Pilar Cabrera,
leading concert artist in Spain,
has been the Organist of Marbella's Grand Organ, Órgano del Sol Mayor, during 20 years.
She has collaborated since 1986 as the artistic director
of all organ concerts and recordings celebrated at Marbella's main church.

Pilar Cabrera is now the concert organist at the Cathedral of Valladolid
and also the concert organist at the Church of Cubillas de Santa Marta in northern Spain.

Don't miss Pilar Cabrera's excellent Homepage
with pictures and various interesting sound fragmentos:

                PILAR CABRERA
with pupils at Valladolid's Cathedral...

* * *

At this moment our Guestbook is closed,
but you can view many entries from the moment we had started this site.

You can view some very special E-mails here.


Thank you for sending us your comments by E-mail


Excellent recordings of organ music 
 and organ with other instruments.

One of Spain's largest and finest church organs

           PILAR CABRERA
Spain's leading concert organist

Spain's largest Allen Organ at Valladolid's Cathedral.

The largest Allen Organ in Spain with 19.400 digital pipes
has been installed in 2006 at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Valladolid in Northern Spain.

All photographs by taken by Michael Reckling
Web site created by Michael Reckling in 2000.

                        MICHAEL RECKLING
   promotor of one of Spain's largest church organs

Michael Reckling
principal promotor of Marbella's Organo del Sol Mayor
with the main church of Marbella in the background.

Last update:  
© 2002-2025    All rights reserved by Michael Reckling - Valladolid - Spain

Michael Reckling